April 26, 2011

Half Full Bottles of Water

Today, Ryan moved into our new apartment!  Yeah!

Please don't ding dong ditch us.  

Ok, maybe ding dong ditch us if you are going to leave cookies or some sort of baked yumminess.  Otherwise the d3 is a tease and I hate teases.

After a long day at work and a long day of moving for him, we grabbed dinner at Counter Burger-total yum- and went and got him groceries. 

What?  You think I'm gonna let my man starve?

Speaking of my man starving, I have been mentally preparing how to cook for two, but really three because guys eat way more than girls.  But I'm pretty pumped for it because, let's be honest, cooking for one is the pits.  It's either hard, or annoying because you have left overs for the entire week-bfast lunch and dinner.  Unless you just LOOOOOOVE left overs.  In that case, more power to ya and where were you the last 4 years when I was cooking?  Answer: you should have been at my house, eating my potential left overs.

Back to Trader Joes-
So our checker mentioned his fiance and how she drinks half of her water bottles and leaves them all over the place...blah blah blah...to which Ryan sarcastically smiles over at me and says, "I dont know anyone who does that!"

Oh, excuuuuuuse me for hydrating myself...a little at a time....and leaving some for later!  Its a strategy, duh!

Anyway, we got on the subject of weddings and the guy said they hadn't set a date yet.  When he asked us when we were getting married, Ryan told him 25 days and his eyes about bugged out of his head.  "WOW!" He said.

"Wow!" like what?  WOW, like WOW thats amazing!  Good for you guys!

Or WOW you're outside of your minds crazy!

Or WOW! it took me 25 days to get through the entire first two seasons of Friday Night Lights?

It was the first one.

Here's the thing, Christian couples often get criticized because they choose to have short engagements.  Sometimes for the right reasons and sometimes for the wrong.  The definitions of "right" and "wrong" being all over the board.  

However you would define right and wrong, here are my thoughts: I know I love this man and I know I want to be married to him.  I'm not one to lolly gag around and dilly dally (my vocab is obviously extensive...and my vernacular, colorful!)  But seriously, what is there to wait for when you know? 

Yep!  We are choosing not to have sex (Oh no!  She said the "s" word and now I'm feeling all uncomfortable and my hands are getting clammy!)

We are choosing not to live together

and to the rest of society, that is a huge risk.  And a dumb risk at that. 

How will we know if we are able to live together?

How will we know if we are "compatible?"

If you sit and think about it long enough and choose to make that your mentality, then yeah, that's a whole lotta scary!

But here is what I do know:  Ryan and I love each other.  Yes, I know "love" is not the answer and will not fix every problem.  I am not dumb-let's make that very clear.  

Our love causes us to learn from each other and see what is in each other's best interest.  Do I have annoying habits?  Yes.  Will he annoy me by hanging his towel over the door or leaving the toilet seat up?  Probably.  Bottom line, I love Ryan and I am willing to love him through the annoyances, habits and all the other "things" we run into living together.  I know he will do the same for me.  I did it with at least 10 roommates before, I'm sure I can do it for the man I deeply love and want to spend the rest of my life with.

And sex...we don't need to talk about that.  Its inapprop in the wrong setting (this being one of them).  Bottom line is, I really don't believe in the whole "test driving the car before you buy it" thing.  Call me naiive, but I believe God has a better plan for me than that.  

25 days until I get my final roommate... 
and I get to leave all the 
half full bottles of water I want 
lying around the house!



  1. you are the bomb freaking dizzle woman. just in case you didn't know.

  2. Hey Natalie! I just have to say that I'm glad there are role models like you guys out there for other young couples. I know when James and I planned our wedding we also were criticized for not test driving the car, or the apartment, and I am so glad we waited. I have to say that this has been the most awesome first year of marriage! Wishing you and Ryan an equally happy first year, and many years to come!

    Seems like it's been so long since first grade. Now we're all grown up and (getting) married!

