April 13, 2011

One Year Ago

One Year ago today, there was a boy and a girl.  They had gone on a handfull of dates, hung out a bunch and really liked each other.

And just when they had reached the point where they would DTR ("determine the relationship"-a long held BIOLA University tradition) the boy left for a trip to Europe.

He went to Europe in search of adventure and exploration with his friend Cam.  Cam is the coolest!

The girl missed him very much while he was gone!  She wanted him to explore and have fun, but they couldn't help but chat on Facebook when he could get service on his phone.

She was jealous he got to stare Nessy (the Loch Ness Monster) in the face.  

When the boy returned, he couldn't wait to see the girl!  You see, he had been wanting her to be his girlfriend, but didn't want to ask her before he left for Europe.  So he patiently waited....until April 12th and made it "official."

And that was the first time she said, "Yes! Of course I will!"  Little did she know that she would be saying "Yes!" to another very important question some time later.

And they will live happily ever after.  Rainbows.  Butterflies.  Glitter.  The end. 

Not really.

To celebrate one year, amidst planning a wedding, we went to Sabatino's (a cute little italian restaurant on the docks on Lido Island).  We talked about us, we dreamed about the future and talked about the reality of where we are today.

Life with Ryan has been incredible thus far.  Each day I learn more about him, more about myself and how to love him better.  While we have had our ups and downs, I can't imagine life any other way.  It excites me to think about living life together, and I look forward to spending the rest of my anniversaries with him.

40 days

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